Document Details

Document Type : Article In Journal 
Document Title :
Spectrometry and Reservoir Characteristics of Rudeis Formation in Belayim Marine Oil Field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt
إشعاعية وخواص خزان متكون روديس بحقل بترول بلاعيم بحري، خليج السويس، مصر
Document Language : English 
Abstract : Gamma ray spectrometry is used to determine the stability of radioactive elements, shale volume and clay type. Three spectrometric variables eU, eTh and K% are recorded in seven wells of Rudeis Formation in Belayium marine oil field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Statistical analysis of the radioactive elements (uranium and thorium) reflects their concentrations in Rudeis Formation. Spectral gamma ray and Scanning Electron Microscope photographs elaborate that, the clay minerals of Rudeis sandstone are montmorillonite, kaolinite, chlorite and mixed layered clay. Beside these traditional roles, Gamma ray spectrometry is used to identify hydrocarbon accumulation zones in Rudeis Formation. The DRAD arithmetic means plus three standard deviations for the data set are computed. Positive DRAD values identify the hydrocarbon accumulation zones in petroleum reservoirs. Well log analysis reflects that the Rudeis Formation is composed mainly of sandstone and minor shale which act as a good reservoir for hydrocarbon. Eight estimated reservoir parameters from well logs are used to construct the development map. Development decision map illustrates high probability in the south and northeast parts to explore, drill, develop and produce hydrocarbon from Rudeis formation in Belayim marine oil field. The results of normalized thorium highly agreed with the results of well log interpretation of Rudeis reservoir in Belayim marine oil field. So, the gamma ray spectrometry can be used with some limitations to determine hydrocarbon bearing zones of Rudeis Formation. Conventional and special core analyses have been used to evaluate the reservoir characteristics of Rudeis Formation in Belayim marine oil field. The average porosity is 20% while, the average permeability is 890 md. Relationships between porosity and formation resistivity factor are used to determine the tortousity factor (a) and cementation factor (m), respectively. The relationship between resistivity index and water saturation is used to determine saturation exponent (n), and constant (c). The calculated reservoir parameters a, c, m and n are 0.78, 0.8, 1.86, and 2.2, respectively. The porosity values were affected negatively by increasing the overburden pressure. The radii of the pore throats range from 10 μm to 30 μm. It is very suitable to path the different types of fluids (gas and oil) through reservoir. From capillary pressure data, we determined the irreducible water saturation, effective porosity, recovery efficiency, average pore radius, hydraulic pore radius and packing radius and the relationships between these parameters are determined. The correlation coefficients related to these parameters give the possibility to estimate one parameter from the other. 
ISSN : 1012-8832 
Journal Name : Earth Sciences Journal 
Volume : 21 
Issue Number : 1 
Publishing Year : 1431 AH
2010 AD
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Tuesday, March 23, 2010 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد ماهر جاداللهGadallah, Mohamed M.Researcher
رفعت التربEl-Terb, Refaat A.Researcher  
السيد القطانEl-Kattan, El Sayed M.Researcher  
إبراهيم الألفيEl-Alfy, Ibrahim M.Researcher  


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