Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
Male Adolescents Psycho-Social Problems in Saudi Arabia
المشكلاتالنفسية والاجتماعية والجنسية لدى المراهقين الذكور في المملكة ودور المناهج الدراسية في حلها
Subject : humanities, econmics and educational sciences 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This paper has pointed out the problems among male adolescents in Saudi Arabia. The subject was (1028) one thousand and twenty eight male adolescents. They were students from nine cities and towns taken from different parts of Saudi Arabia. I They were given a questionaire called" specify your problem yourself" . The device consisted of (264) statement problems that the subject had to underline and then circle the most applicable to his state or condition. The questionaire covered eleven areas or aspects, emotional or affective , health and body, sexual, social, counseling, religious, freetime, problems related to curriculum, school work problem, and family related problems. The device was first applied by Mustafa fahmi (1987) on Egyption subjects and had been adjusted by the researchers to fit. Saudi subjects, the device reliability factor was found high (95%). The main objectives of the research were to find out the ~ajor problem that Male Saudi Adolescents have been countering and how they were different from each other according to where they were from.. . The subjects were secondary school students from Riyadh, Jeddah, Makkah, Dammam, Tabuk, Aseer; Abha, Alleith, Rabigh, and Thowal. Literature review revealed that Adolescents have problems in many aspects; family conflict in order to show their indepedence, social maladjustment because of their immature behaviors and school work problems, in addition to psycho-sexual problems. In fact those problems are inter-related and they characterise this stage of development of adolescents in general and in Saudi Arabia as well. The research findings were in accord with others in the literature review. The top five major problems, among the eleven areas or aspects which were tested, among saudis have been found to be as follows. Problems or guestions related to religion, curriculum, economical problems, and health and body related problems. However, the next most important problem the male adolescents were found to cope with were sexual, the need for counseling, school work related problems, family, social and affective problems. When other tests were run to find out the differences among male adolescents due to age factor, the findings revealed that the tenth graders differed significantly from eleventh and twelfth graders. When tests were run to find the differences due to the area they came from, it was found that the subjects from Dammam and Rabigh were from others. However, it was found that Psycho-sexual problems, the need for counseling, as well as religious and school work stood up as the major concern for all three grades. What has been found as special, and made Saudis different from other~ is the concern about religious affairs and that was in accord with what Alneghaimshi (1418) has pointed out in his book. Recommendations have been set as to what should be done to help those adolescents to overcome their problems and to get on to the straight path. 
Conference Name : the second annual meeting for scientific research 
Duration : From : 27 محرم AH - To : 28 محرم AH
From : 30 مارس AD - To : 31 مارس AD
Publishing Year : 1424 AH
2003 AD
Number Of Pages : 5 
Article Type : Article 
Added Date : Tuesday, January 13, 2009 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
حمزة خليل مالكيMalky, N/A N/AResearcher  


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