KAU Faculty Research Output Accessible in First Arab Database

In the framework of activating the agreement concluded between King Abdulaziz University (KAU) and Almanhal Company, the ten subtitles of Journal of King Abdulaziz University (JKAU) (Arts and Humanities, Economics and Administration, Islamic Economics, Engineering Sciences, Medical Sciences, Science, Marine Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Design and Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agricultural Sciences) with their full contents have been uploaded in the first peer-reviewed Arab Journals platform launched by Almanhal Company; where the full contents of articles can now be accessed.

The Director of Scientific Publishing Center, Prof. Abdulrashid Bin Abdulaziz Hafez, has emphasized the importance of this step and added that the accessibility of the JKAU full contents in this Database will contribute in the visibility of these researches in Arab World academic arena. This step also benefits the concerned research institutions worldwide; a fact assured the prestigious reputation of JKAU in the scientific community; as Almanhal company is considered the first database in Arabic Language that provides a full text search. For more information …. Click here

Last Update
10/16/2012 3:50:35 PM

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