An Acquainting Workshop on Quality Management




Within the frame work of the qualification of the Scientific Publishing Center (SPC) for acquiring the ISO Certificate 9001/2008 for quality management system; a workshop on the fundamentals of the quality management and safety procedures has been held on Wednesday 10/1/1432A.H. at the Center’s premises. Both Dr.Khalid Alfooty, the General Supervisor of the Total Quality Program (TQM) at King Andulaziz University (KAU) and Dr.Bin Abdullah Tahir, TQM Advisor, have talked at the workshop. Al the employees of SPC and KAU Printing Press, headed by H.E. the SPC director; Prof.Abdulrashid Abdulaziz Hafez; have attended the workshop.
At the beginning of the workshop; Dr.Khalid Alfooty spoke about the key concepts of quality management which are: Quality Control; Quality Assurance and Quality Management. He has also dealt with the ISO Standards. Dr.Tahir spoke about the fundamentals of quality management: customers; leadership; employees; processes, development, capacity building and importers. At the end of workshop Dr.Khalid Alfooty reviewed the safety procedures.


Last Update
12/20/2010 8:36:03 AM

Content Comments
Dr Shagufta Tahir Mufti
Request for future intimation of such workshops    ( Tuesday, December 28, 2010 )
Respectes Sir

Iam an Asstt Professor in the Faculty of medicine and have been actively involved in the academic accreditation process and since quality management is an important part of it I would like you to intimate me in advance about such workshops

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